Monday, August 20, 2012

Birds of a feather....

For our project this week we decided to utilize all the bird feathers we've been collecting around the ranch over the summer.

One of our favorite things to do this summer has been feather hunting! I think we've collected over a hundred feathers, all beautiful and unique. For the kids it's a great way to learn about all the different birds that live in our area and for us mom's it's a great way to break up these looooong summer days!!

To put our feathers to use I decided we should make them into wreathes. Just go to your local craft store and get a plain styrofoam circle and start sticking in the feathers at an angle. You can place them however you'd like although I found that overlapping them and changing the direction worked best. No glueing or taping required, very clean and simple!

Have fun!!!

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