Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Macaroni Necklace Class Project

I had so much fun making Macaroni Necklaces in my daughters class today! She was so excited to have mommy there and I loved spending time with all the kids and seeing how different and unique all their necklaces turned out. I thought it was adorable that almost all the kids wanted to bring their creations home to mommy!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kiwi Crate Crafts

I love this company Kiwi Crates they deliver monthly craft projects which are all ideas submitted by moms or dads. They are always so unique and inspiring for the kids. I thought this week I'd post our Kiwi Crate craft. I highly recommend this service for either your family or as an amazing gift!

This months box contained an activity entitled "Farmer's Market" where the kids cut vegetables out of felt and decorate their own aprons. All the tools you need come in the box!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homemade Play Dough

One of my favorite activities to do with the kids is to make homemade play dough. It's quick and easy and can accommodate any season by incorporating certain colors and or scents. Below is the recipe along with some pictures to help walk you through! Enjoy ;)


1 cup salt
2 cups flour
4 tsp. cream of tartar
2 tbs. oil
2 cups water
food coloring
extract scent

Pour all ingredients into a pan except for the food coloring and scent.

Mix everyone together....

until it beings to harden.

Let it cool before coloring.

To color, press a few holes into the dough and fill with your color of choice.

Knead the dough until you get to your desired color and your all set!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Macaroni Necklace Necklace

We've all made one and we've all shed a tear when we first got one waiting in our child's cubby. And maybe even displayed it hanging on our rear view window. Yes that's where mine is and it's also where I got inspired for the title of my blog. Making a macaroni necklace embodies childhood and is just plain fun, so here it goes....

First grab some noodles... I prefer rigatoni (pictured above).

Then get some rubbing alcohol, food coloring and string or yarn.

Put your noodles in a sandwich size ziploc bag....

pour a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol in the bag along with a few drops of food coloring (more drops if you want a deeper color). Then shake the bag vigorously for about 30 seconds. Poor bag out onto a piece of parchment paper and let it dry (about an hour). 

Once all the noodles are dry have the kids pick their favorite color of string and start macaroning!!!

Not too bad... I wore it all day!